Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme and Applied Artificial Intelligence Programme | Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre (AIDCEC)

Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme and Applied Artificial Intelligence Programme



Media Coverage


As artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly shapes our society, developing foundational AI literacy has become essential for the general public. Thanks to generous support from the Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF) donation and UGC Research Matching Grant Scheme, the AIDCEC is helping to meet this need by providing free AI education to Hong Kong residents.

Through AI Literacy Programme and Applied AI Programmes, we aim to equip participants with AI concepts, ethical considerations, and awareness that will allow them to actively contribute to our AI-driven future. The programs are carefully designed to impart core knowledge about AI in an accessible way for broad audiences. We ensure that all necessary learning and teaching materials are available so participants can build a strong AI foundation.

Ultimately, our goal is to empower Hong Kong citizens to understand, thoughtfully engage with, and help shape the role of AI in our evolving society. By providing these Programmes at no cost, we hope to make AI education inclusive and far-reaching. With proper public understanding, we can work together to craft an AI future that benefits all.

Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme and Applied Artificial Intelligence Programme for Secondary Students

The lite version of the Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme aims to equip secondary students in Hong Kong with Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts, and empower them to be literate in interacting with AI in the society.

The full version of the Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme aims to equip secondary students in Hong Kong with Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts, develop their awareness on ethical use of AI, and empower them with AI competency to shape the future society.

The Applied Artificial Intelligence Programme aims to equip secondary students in Hong Kong with Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts, develop their awareness on ethical use of AI, and empower them with using generative AI tools to develop self-regulated learning skills.

Applied Artificial Intelligence Programme for Teachers and Parents

The Applied Artificial Intelligence Programme aims to equip teachers/parents in Hong Kong with Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts, develop their awareness on ethical use of AI, and empower them with using generative AI tools to develop differentiated instruction materials and foster individualized learning.

Applied Artificial Intelligence Programme for Administrative Staff

The Applied Artificial Intelligence Programme aims to equip administrative staff in Hong Kong with Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts, develop their awareness on ethical use of AI, and empower them with using generative AI tools to increase their productivity and quality of work at their workplace.

Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme for University Students

The Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme aims to equip university students with Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts, and empower them to be literate in interacting with AI in the society. University students who can complete all four courses of the Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme can develop further their awareness on ethical use of AI, and empower them with AI competency to shape the future society.

Significance and Contributions

Promote awareness of the significance of AI literacy

Conduct research on effective pedagogical practices for enhancing AI literacy

Develop a conceptual framework for AI literacy

Develop and validate research instruments to evaluate AI literacy levels

Foster critical thinking and ethical considerations in AI usage

Equip students with practical skills in applying generative AI tools

Empower students to actively participate in and shape the AI-infused society

Our School Networks

As of the Summer of 2023, more than 600 students from 60 secondary schools have joined or enrolled the AIL programme.

Past Events

5 August 2022 @ 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. Briefing Session for School Principals and Teachers
5 July 2022 @ 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. Briefing Session for School Principals and Teachers
July – August 2022 AI Literacy Programme (Cohort 2: Secondary Grade 4 – 5 Students)
May – June 2022 AI Literacy Programme (Cohort 1: Secondary Grade 6 Students)


Media Coverage

Now新聞: 李嘉誠基金會再捐550萬 助教大開展免費人工智能課程(2023年10月19日)

明報: 教大辦高中生AI班 4日速成 另辦課程家長教師可報讀(2023年10月20日)

The Standard: Education University offers free AI course for teachers, parents(2023年10月20日)

星島頭條財經: 李嘉誠捐千萬予教大推動AI教育 稱屬「未來不可或缺關鍵科技」(2023年10月19日)

文匯: 教大推免費AI課程 師長中小企受惠(2023年10月20日)

香港01: 教大推免費人工智能課程 教DSE考生以AI溫書、行政人員提高效率(2023年10月20日)

AM730: 教大再獲李嘉誠支持 推動AI普及認知教育(2023年10月20日)

明報: 李嘉誠基金420萬捐教大推AI項目(2022年6月15日)

東網: 教大再獲基金資助逾400萬元 普及人工智能教育(2022年6月15日)

頭條日報: 李嘉誠基金會捐420萬予教大 推第二階段人工智能素養項目(2022年6月14日)

新城廣播: 李嘉誠基金會向教大捐資420萬 推行第二階段人工智能素養項目(2022年6月14日)

香港01: 捐420萬推AI教育課程‎ 李嘉誠:讓下一代躋身為「成就未來」的人(2022年6月14日)

Now新聞: 李嘉誠基金會再向教大捐420萬 推第二階段人工智能教育(2022年6月14日)

e-zone: 教大推3套教材 編程融入高小學科(2022年6月14日)