Course on AI-assisted Science Teaching in Hong Kong Junior Secondary Schools: Building Professional Chatbot for Learning S1 Water and Using Data Model Training, micro:bit and Scratch Programming Learning S2 Making Use of Electricity
In alignment with the Chief Executive’s Policy Address 2024, there is a pressing need to include the in utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) by educators in their instructional practices advancing STEAM education in primary and secondary schools. The Education Bureau (EDB) is dedicated to enhancing information technology education and fostering the adoption of innovative technologies, including AI and aim to achieve a profound integration of AI within the educational sector. The Education Bureau introduces a pilot teaching plan that targets junior secondary school science curricula as a pilot project. This initiative is designed to facilitate the incorporation of AI into both teaching and learning processes and to fortify AI education across the school spectrum.
The Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Centre (AIDCEC) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) was invited by The Education Bureau to develop a professional development course supporting the utilization of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools for teaching Electricity and Water Conservation in Junior Secondary Schools in Hong Kong based on Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 227/2024 (
Financial Plan
Publicly-funded secondary schools are eligible to apply for the “AI for Science Education” Funding Programme is supported by the Quality Education Fund (QEF). Successful school applicants will receive a one-off funding of $100,000. Schools may use the funding to enrol science teachers in relevant short courses (including seminars and workshops) to address their subject development and teachers’ training needs. Additionally, schools may collaborate with tertiary institutions or related professional bodies to implement support programme(s) related to AI-assisted teaching, develop relevant learning and teaching resources and promote innovative pedagogical approaches. For details, please refer to the Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 227/2024 (